Axial submersible electropumps of type ОП are intended for pumping over waters with temperature to +35С, with the content of mechanical dash no more than 6 g/l, from them abrasive no more than 1 g/l.
Pumps are applied in meliorative systems, to water supply, for drainage of reservoirs, docks, caissons.
Submersible electropumps are established under water in any position from 00 (horizontally) to 900 (vertically) by means of directing or slantwise on a slides.
The submersible electropump is the monoblock unit. The special asynchronous electric motor settles down in a tight capsule with excess pressure. On the shaft end is established the pump impeller with rigid blades, the exit of a shaft from an electric motor capsule is condensed with double sealing end.
The basic details of the pump are: the directing device, the pump impeller chamber, the device correcting and diffuser.
Pump OП2500-4,2У5 symbols where:
O – axial;
П – submersible;
the first figure – nominal supply, m3/h;
the second figure – a nominal head, m;
У – a climatic modification;
5 – a placing category at operation.